CE-Traffic offers next-generation of geospatial business intelligence which will give you customer insights that only recently become possible with mobile network technologies and advances in data processing and cloud computing.

Custom reports

    We analyse anonymous signaling of mobile phones and compute statistical profiles your customers based on where they live, work, shop or spend time. Moreover we will tell you not only where do you customers come from but also how long does it take to reach your storefront by different means of transport. We will also compare your business location site to site, or compare it with store fronts of your competition.

Monitor campaigns

      CE-Traffic Geodemography will let you monitor geographic performance and effectiveness of your marketing and promotional campaigns. We will give you access to near real-time statistics to evaluate or optimize your outdoor advertising campaign, flyer distribution campaign, or effectiveness of catalogues you send to your customers.

Site attractiveness

    If you are planing to expand your business we will help you assess attractiveness of new sites taking into consideration profiles of your customers, local geodemographic statistics and accessibility of sites. Accordingly we will help you select locations with lowest spatial attractiveness perspective if you are planning to reduce your storefronts.

Outdoor advertising